Privacy Policy

Below we describe how exactly and to what extent we process your personal data, as well as your own rights regarding the issue.

Who is Personal Data Administrator?

GoOut, s.r.o. IČO: 01901613, DIČ: CZ01901613, address: Mánesova 28, 120 00 Praha 2, registered at Městský soud Praha, sp. zn.: C 212454 The promoter of the event, whose identification can be found on the purchase form and on the ticket.

Where do your personal data come from?

We gather personal data directly from you, either when you purchase a ticket, or when you sign up and create a profile at

What kind of personal data do we collect?

Based on a ticket purchase: Your name, surname, e-mail, phone number, occasionally your address if necessary for the ticket to be delivered; Other data requested by the promoter which are necessary for the purchase to go through and which are marked by the (i) sign on the purchase form. If you sign up and create a profile: Your name, surname, and e-mail; Your profile photo, if you register through Facebook or if you upload it by yourself; The same data that are collected when you purchase a ticket, if you purchase it while logged in.

Why are we processing your personal data?

For the purpose of fulfilling the contract about the ticket purchase, which means: Sending the ticket; Informing about changes in the event program; Checking your ticket and enabling you to enter the event; Handling complaints and potentially paying the refund for the entrance fee. For administrative purposes, and to ensure your profile functions correctly, which means: Creating personalized offers and recommending you events you might like; Connecting you with people sharing similar interests. For the purpose of processing data on the basis of GoOut’s or the promoter’s legitimate interest, which means: Offering products and services related to the event (e. g. accommodation, transport, accompanying program); Preventing and revealing fraud behavior (e. g. reselling tickets for the purpose of profit without proper authorization); Investigating the customers’ shopping behavior. For the purpose of sending marketing offers from GoOut and the promoter, which means: In case you give us consent to receive “GoOut and Promoter’s News”, we will give your e-mail address to the promoter of the event, who can then contact you about other offers they think might be interesting for you. The explicit consent to receive “GoOut and Promoter's News” can only be given by a person who is at least 16 years old. In that case, processing your personal data is managed by the terms of the promoter. In case you give us consent to receive “GoOut and Promoter’s News”, we can transfer some of your personal data required to match your GoOut and Facebook profiles. Facebook can then display GoOut’s and promoter’s offers of events that might be interesting for you via its own pixels. You have the right to dismiss your consent to receive “GoOut and Promoter’s News” any time you want, through a link which is found below each marketing offer.

How do we process your personal data?

If you create your profile, we store data about the artists, places and events you have saved and the users you are following. This data is then processed and used for personalized offers and ads that you might like, as well as for connecting you with people sharing common interests. This information is processed for mutual sharing among users. You will be able to see other users’ favourite artists, places, etc., e. g. which concert they are attending, so you could consider whether you’d like to attend as well or not. You will also be able to see the events your friends are attending, so you could have a direct inspiration on where to go. If your profile is connected with Facebook, we will obtain access to your Facebook contact list. Therefore, we can give you the option to match your GoOut friends with your Facebook friends. If you are not interested in personalized offers or sharing and connecting with other people, you can always access our website or buy tickets without creating a profile. By creating a profile you confirm that you are at least 16 years old. If we find out this is not the case, we are allowed to delete your profile.

What is the difference between a public and a private profile?

Anyone can see a public profile, even people who are not your friends or do not have a GoOut profile. Your name, surname, photo (if you share it) and your activities (favourite events, places, etc.) will be visible for anyone if you have a public profile. A private profile will show only your name, surname, and photo (if you share it). Anything else will be visible only for your GoOut friends.

Can I delete my profile?

Yes, any time you want. If you delete your profile, processing of your personal data will be immediately terminated.

For how long we store your personal data?

We store users’ personal data only until the related event takes place, or for a period that is necessary for the purpose of legitimate interest of GoOut, e. g. for refunds. We do not store personal data for periods longer than we are authorized to. We delete all of the personal data immediately afterwards. If you give us your consent for other purposes than the ones that are obligatory for the fulfilling of the contract (e. g. consent with receiving “GoOut and Promoter's News”), we process your data until you cancel your consent. We do not process your data for a period longer than 3 years.

Who can we provide with your personal data?

The promoter of the event, mentioned on the purchase form and on the ticket, for the purpose of fulfilling the contract about the ticket purchase and for the purposes of legitimate interest, or for the purpose of receiving “GoOut and Promoter's News” if you give us your consent; Other entities (e. g. Facebook, Instagram, Google) for the purpose of marketing offers, if you give us your consent; Other entities that have the legitimate right to request personal data.

Is the provision of personal data voluntary?

The provision of your personal data is fully voluntary and operates on a contract basis. If you refuse to tell us the required personal data, we are not able to sell you a ticket via GoOut or create your profile. If you give us your consent for other purposes than the ones that are obligatory for the fulfilling of the contract (e. g. consent with receiving “GoOut and Promoter's News”), you provide us with the data voluntarily and you can always cancel your consent.

The right to access your personal data: You have the right to receive a copy of all your personal data we process. The right to correct your personal data: You have the right to update or correct your personal data if you think they are incomplete or inaccurate. The right to erase your personal data: You have the right to have your personal data erased, if they are not necessary for the purpose they have been processed for. The right to restrict the processing of personal data: You have the right to call for a restriction of processing your personal data, if you want to deny the accuracy of your personal data or if you believe the processing is unlawful but you do not want to have the data erased. You have this right even if GoOut does not need the personal data for the purpose of processing, but you require them for other processing (in limited measures), e. g. when you are making a claim at the court. The right to transfer your personal data: You have the right to call for a transmission of your personal data to another administrator, if it is technically possible. The right to make an objection against the processing of personal data: You have the right to make an objection against the processing of your personal data at any time. In that case we will stop processing your personal data, if we do not have the legal right to do so or if it is not against the purpose of processing.

What is the official period for handling your claims?

We will respond to your claims about your rights in 30 days after receiving the claim, without needless delays. GoOut will inform you about your requests for restrictions, erasures, or corrections of personal data if it does not take disproportionate effort, without needless delays.

How does GoOut guarantee the protection of my personal data?

Personal data are stored in a secured electronic form and are either being used for the aforementioned purposes, or being transferred to the aforementioned entities. GoOut has implemented sufficient technical, administrative, and physical security measures protecting your personal data against unauthorized access and transmissions, as well as the loss, destruction, or any other potential abuse of your data. Persons who come into contact with personal data (or hold other contract-related competences) in their line of work have the duty of confidentiality.

Do we transfer personal data to countries outside the EU or to any international organizations?

No, providing the services of GoOut does not require personal data to be transferred for processing outside the EU or to any international organization.

Where can you make a complaint about the processing of personal data?

You have the right to make a complaint here, if you believe that the principles of protection of personal data had been violated during the processing: Úřad pro ochranu osobních údajů Pplk. Sochora 27 170 00 Praha 7 telefon: +420 234 665 111 GoOut has the right to occasionally change and update the Privacy Policy. By using our website after these changes are implemented, you express your consent with them. If you have any questions related to personal data issues, you can either contact our data processing office:


24. 5. 2018, GoOut, s.r.o.